Monday, October 15, 2007

Led Schleppelin III: Employment Update

Lest you think that I've been a lazy layabout and not hustling to find gainful employment, here's a quick update on my recent work experiences:

Austin Film Festival: Worked at the office making badges, at the registration table, and risked grievous bodily injury hanging lights for the opening night party. Compensation: free pass to the festival and to all the Saturday panels, none of which I was able to attend (see previous post, "A Fractured Fairy Tale").

CSB Broadcasting School: I have been hired as an instructor teaching aspiring broadcasters the ins and outs of audio editing using Adobe Audition and Pro Tools, and how to be an on-air personality. Starts next month. Compensation: $25 an hour, part-time.

Extra: I've just scored a gig as an extra on NBC's Friday Night Lights series, which shoots here in Austin. I'll be standing around trying to look like a member of the local press corps. I'll definitely be in the background of episode 11, and perhaps in the remaining 11 episodes this season, barring cancellation. However, the ax has yet to fall on any of this season's shows, due to the impending writer's strike, which explains why K-Ville is still on. Anyway, Friday Night Lights airs Fridays at 9, which sort of makes sense, given the title, but aren't they missing out on their target audience, who will be at a high school football game, not at home watching TV? In any case, I won't be watching, because I'll be on the set, pretending to be a journalist. Like I used to do back when I was managing editor at The Worcester Phoenix. Compensation: day rate, negligible. But, hey, I'm back on TV and in my old time slot.

1 comment:

  1. As if Friday Night Lights wasn't skating on thin enough lights, YOU had to "join the cast!"

    Congrats on that CBS Broadcasting School gig and best of luck on your continued job search.
